Dentist in Aldershot explains root canal treatment

The team at Dentistry at LaSalle in Aldershot is committed to making sure all our patients achieve improved oral health and wellness. We provide a wide variety of general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry options to give patients beautiful, healthy smiles. A common treatment that is recommended for certain cases is root canal therapy. While root canals have gotten a bad reputation, the procedure is very similar to a traditional filling and is an excellent way to alleviate pain and save a tooth that has become affected by deep decay or a fracture down to the dental pulp.

At Dentistry at LaSalle our mission is to improve the health of all our patients by providing high quality dental care.

What is a root canal?

When an infection or injury to the tooth affects the inner portion known as the root canals, it can often be very painful for patients. Inside the canals is the pulp, which contains all the tissue, blood supply, and nerves to the tooth. Some patients experience intermittent pain with this type of infection or injury, while others will find the pain is consistent with little relief.

Extraction is one method of treating a deeply infected tooth, however we try to avoid this at all costs. Instead, we often recommend a root canal therapy to save the natural tooth.

In a root canal procedure, we begin by ensuring the tooth is completely numb and comfortable before we use a special dental tool to access the pulp chamber of the tooth. We will remove the pulp and then clean out the canals then disinfect them to remove any lingering bacteria. After this is completed, the tooth is then filled with a special material called gutta percha. The tooth is sealed with composite resin which is strong and natural-looking material.

After root canal therapy, the tooth is often weak and can become brittle, leaving it susceptible to further damage. Because of this, we typically complete a root canal procedure by placing a dental crown over the tooth to protect it and restore the ability to bite and chew effectively.

Toothache relief with root canal treatment in Aldershot

If you live near the Aldershot area and you are currently experiencing pain from a toothache, you should book an appointment with Dentistry at LaSalle as soon as possible to get an evaluation to determine if root canal therapy will help. Not every toothache requires a root canal, if there is no damage to the dental pulp, we can often alleviate pain with a simple straightforward filling.

Candidates for root canal therapy

Most patients who are experiencing a toothache as a result of injury or infection to the tooth may be a good candidate for root canal therapy. During the consultation we will take x-rays and perform a physical examination to determine if root canal therapy can save the natural tooth.

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What to expect with root canal treatment

At Dentistry at LaSalle, we are equipped to make your root canal as pleasant of an experience as possible. One of the ways we do this is by offering various sedation methods to allow patients to relax and feel at ease. We also use injectable local anesthetic to deaden the treatment area and ensure there is no discomfort during the root canal.

We understand that dental treatments can cause anxiety, especially root canals. That is why we walk our patients through the entire procedure and explain all the available sedation methods. Patients should always feel to ask us any questions they have.

After root canal treatment

Image of a Lady opening a mouth with a Dentist equipment

Following a root canal, you may still feel numb for several hours after the procedure. Some discomfort may also linger for a few days afterward, however, this can be reduced with over the counter pain relievers.

Patients are free to resume normal activities following root canal therapy. We provide patients with aftercare instructions to properly care for their teeth after the procedure. If there are any concerns, please feel free to call the office to schedule a follow-up appointment.

Call Dentistry at LaSalle today

At Dentistry at LaSalle our mission is to improve the health of all our patients by providing high quality dental care. If you are in the Aldershot area and would like to learn more about root canals or any of the other treatments we provide, please request an appointment by calling us at (905) 481-9078  .

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"After avoiding the dentist for many years I made an appointment at Dentistry at Lasalle. They have been extremely kind and accommodating to me and my situation; it has really helped easy my anxiety about the dentist. Also after feeling uneasy with rushed cleanings and extremely high rates I switched my kids from a pediatric dentist in town to Dentistry at Lasalle and I’m happy to say we will all be seeing the dentist and having our cleaning done here! They did a great job with the kids, cleaning was thorough and kids were happy!"

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Dr. Swati Khanna Dentistry at LaSalle

Dr. Swati Khanna

Dentistry at LaSalle

Helping patients get the smile they love with consideration for their unique needs is our goal at Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington (Aldershot), ON. We provide a full spectrum of dental services to take care of patients of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, and even the most anxious. Preventative exams and dental cleanings, cosmetic and restorative care with dental implants, crowns and bridges, tooth-colored fillings, and all types of dentures are included among our repertoire of services.

Dr. Swati Khanna (selected for the Best Dentist Readers’ Choice Award multiple times) and Dr. Liliana Otrocol are among the team of skilled and experienced professionals providing friendly and compassionate care to the communities in and around Aldershot.

Office Information

(905) 481-9078
18 Plains Rd West, Unit #1
Burlington (Aldershot), ON L7T 0B3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Appointment required) One Saturday a month Closed

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