Obtaining Painless Dentistry with Nitrous Oxide Sedation

With sedation methods, many patients in the Aldershot, Ontario, area who are interested in painless dentistry can relax before and during their visit. At Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington, Drs. Swati Khanna, Liliana Otrocol, Sam Gupta, and Abhishek Apratim are pleased to offer solutions such as  nitrous oxide sedation, a popular sedative used for patients of all ages–including children–to ensure a comfortable and positive experience in the dentist’s chair.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation In Aldershot ON area

How Does Nitrous Oxide Work to Alleviate Pain and Relax a Patient for Dental Treatments?

With nitrous oxide, patients can relax during their treatment and enjoy a painless experience. Nitrous oxide is best described as a gas that is inhaled through a mask over the nose. Once inhaled, it quickly enters the bloodstream and works to alleviate pain and relax the patient. The sedative effects of nitrous oxide allow for quicker and more comfortable treatments, reducing anxiety and providing a calmer atmosphere for both the patient and the dentist. It also wears off quickly, allowing patients to drive themselves home immediately after treatment without feeling groggy or out of sorts.

Who is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

At Dentistry at LaSalle, we strongly encourage you to book a consultation visit with our team to talk about your dental needs. If you have dental anxiety or are fearful about pain during your upcoming procedure, we can determine if you are a good fit for nitrous oxide sedation or other ways to relax you during your treatments.

Call Today To Schedule Appointment
New Patients: (905) 481-9078 | Existing patients: (905) 634-9090
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Are You Considering Nitrous Oxide Sedation for Your Next Dental Visit?

Nitrous oxide can provide an enjoyable dental experience while alleviating any pain associated with certain dental treatments. Patients will be able to relax during their procedure, making it easier on them emotionally as well as physically.

If you are considering visiting a painless dentist near me who offers nitrous oxide sedation in the Burlington (Aldershot), ON area, call (905) 481-9078 to request an appointment at our office.

Drs. Swati Khanna, Liliana Otrocol, Sam Gupta, and Abhishek Apratim are available for new and returning patients.

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Dr. Swati Khanna Dentistry at LaSalle

Dr. Swati Khanna

Dentistry at LaSalle

Helping patients get the smile they love with consideration for their unique needs is our goal at Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington (Aldershot), ON. We provide a full spectrum of dental services to take care of patients of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, and even the most anxious. Preventative exams and dental cleanings, cosmetic and restorative care with dental implants, crowns and bridges, tooth-colored fillings, and all types of dentures are included among our repertoire of services.

Dr. Swati Khanna (selected for the Best Dentist Readers’ Choice Award multiple times) and Dr. Liliana Otrocol are among the team of skilled and experienced professionals providing friendly and compassionate care to the communities in and around Aldershot.

Office Information

(905) 481-9078
18 Plains Rd West, Unit #1
Burlington (Aldershot), ON L7T 0B3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Appointment required) One Saturday a month Closed

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