Dentist in Burlington, ON Assisting Residents on Recognizing and Caring for Dental Emergencies

Treating a dental emergency can be the difference between losing and saving a tooth or multiple teeth. It’s important that you find a dentist who offers emergency services for patients in need. Dr. Swati Khanna at Dentistry at La Salle offers emergency dental assistance for any patients in the Burlington, ON area who are in need.

Essential Emergency Dental Care Treatments for Emergency Dentist Services in Burlington Area

Do You Need Emergency Dental Assistance?

It is vitally important to understand what types of injuries fall under the umbrella of emergency dental care so that you can get you, or your family’s teeth cared for while avoiding unnecessary visits to an emergency room. Accidents are not something you can ever plan for, so knowing that you have a place to go to treat one can be a major stress reliever. After all, dental emergencies are stressful enough without the added headache of figuring out where you can go. Being able to differentiate between a dental emergency and an issue that can be handled during your dentist’s normal hours is also important.

Dental emergencies can be a result of biting into something too hard or from trauma to the face during an activity such as an athletic event. Issues which could be viewed as dental emergencies include:

  • Cracked Tooth
  • Broken Tooth
  • Knocked Out Tooth

If a crack is severe, a large piece of the tooth is missing or if a tooth has been completely knocked out, these are all issues that should have you seeking immediate dental assistance.

A Knocked-Out Tooth

If you find yourself in a situation where you have a tooth that has been knocked out of your mouth, the first thing to remember is to handle it as little as possible. If you can fit it back into the socket and hold it in by gently biting down on a moistened gauze pad, then you should try that.

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New Patients: (905) 481-9078 | Existing patients: (905) 634-9090
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If you are unable to keep the tooth in the socket, try emerging it into some milk that you’ve put into a clean container. Apply a cold, wet compress to the wound in your mouth to help with any bleeding that may be occurring at the tooth socket and get to your dentist as soon as you are able.

If you are ever in need of emergency dental assistance, please call Dr. Swati Khanna of Dentistry at La Salle today at  (905) 481-9078.

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Dentistry at LaSalle - reviews

"After avoiding the dentist for many years I made an appointment at Dentistry at Lasalle. They have been extremely kind and accommodating to me and my situation; it has really helped easy my anxiety about the dentist. Also after feeling uneasy with rushed cleanings and extremely high rates I switched my kids from a pediatric dentist in town to Dentistry at Lasalle and I’m happy to say we will all be seeing the dentist and having our cleaning done here! They did a great job with the kids, cleaning was thorough and kids were happy!"

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Dr. Swati Khanna Dentistry at LaSalle

Dr. Swati Khanna

Dentistry at LaSalle

Helping patients get the smile they love with consideration for their unique needs is our goal at Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington (Aldershot), ON. We provide a full spectrum of dental services to take care of patients of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, and even the most anxious. Preventative exams and dental cleanings, cosmetic and restorative care with dental implants, crowns and bridges, tooth-colored fillings, and all types of dentures are included among our repertoire of services.

Dr. Swati Khanna (selected for the Best Dentist Readers’ Choice Award multiple times) and Dr. Liliana Otrocol are among the team of skilled and experienced professionals providing friendly and compassionate care to the communities in and around Aldershot.

Office Information

(905) 481-9078
18 Plains Rd West, Unit #1
Burlington (Aldershot), ON L7T 0B3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Appointment required) One Saturday a month Closed

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