Burlington, ON dentist explains sedation dental care

There are many different causes of dental anxiety. It may be from a previous bad experience, fear of the unknown, or even a strong gag reflex. Dental fear can be debilitating, and the lack of care can put individuals’ oral health at risk and prevent them from receiving critical treatment that they need for the health of their mouth.

Make your oral health a priority with anxiety-free dental care, made possible with sedation dentistry from Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington

The good news is that dental technology has made us better equipped to help patients with dental anxiety. Sedation dentistry allows patients to receive relaxing, pain-free dental care so that we can restore oral health and improve the appearance of the smile. At Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington, ON, we offer several options for sedation dentistry including nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and IV sedation.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Nitrous oxide is the lowest level of sedation available from Dentistry at LaSalle. This colorless gas is used in combinations with local anaesthetic, so patients will not feel pain or anxiety during treatment. With nitrous oxide, patients remain awake and alert during the entire procedure.

Nitrous oxide is administered when the patient inhales the gas through a mask placed over the nose. The nitrous oxide is mixed with oxygen as it is being delivered. The fast-acting gas starts giving patients a tingling, floating sensation within just a few minutes. Once the team has verified that the patient is receiving the correct dose to remain calm and comfortable during the entire procedure, we begin treatment.

One of the biggest advantages of nitrous oxide is that the effects of the gas wear off very quickly. Patients can drive themselves home afterward. Another benefit of nitrous oxide is that it is highly customizable. It’s common for the dose to be adjusted or fine-tuned during the procedure.

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Oral Conscious Sedation

Another common option for sedation is enteral or oral conscious sedation, which relaxes patients through the aid of an oral medication. Patients are given instructions to take the medication at a predetermined time before coming in for their appointment. (Usually thirty minutes to one hour). Because the medication is taken at home, patients will need to secure a ride to and from their appointment. By the time patients arrive at our office for treatment, they are relaxed and calm. Oral sedation allows the patient to remain completely conscious, able to answer questions, and follow simple instructions. After treatment, patients will be driven home to rest. Patients will typically have little to no recollection of the procedure.

Oral sedation is an excellent option for patients who need extensive dental work and may be facing several hours in the dental chair. Sedation is often recommended for patients receiving implants, full smile makeovers, or other long treatments.

IV Sedation

Image of a Young Man smilling with showing his brighter teeth

IV Sedation is a deeper form of sedation that is administered intravenously in the office before beginning treatment. Patients are typically overcome with a feeling of drowsiness, and many fall asleep.

Following a procedure with IV sedation, most patients have no memory of their time during treatment. Instead, they feel like they have just woken up from a long nap.

IV sedation is powerful and requires having reliable transportation. We recommend patients have a family member or friend drive them to and from the office. In the hours following the procedure, you may still feel drowsy. Plan on taking the remainder of the day to rest and relax. By the following morning, individuals should feel completely normal again.

At Dentistry at LaSalle, we understand the large impact of dental fear and how this anxiety can keep you from receiving the care you need and deserve. Patients who have dental anxiety are less likely to call and make an appointment when they suspect they have a dental issue.

If you are in the Burlington, ON area and are fearful of the dentist or have anxiety that has kept you from making an appointment, call us today at (905) 481-9078 to learn more about sedation dentistry. We’re here to answer any questions that you have and get you the care you deserve. Together, we can help you take your oral health back into your own hands.

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"Great first experience with this clinic. I've had a few terrible experiences at dentists and this time I left pain free. I had to have a filling redone. The first time it was done it was at another clinic and I had a month's worth of pain after. Today, I had to have it redone. No pain after the freezing wore off. Clinic staff are friendly and polite as well as both dentists and hygienists I saw."

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Dr. Swati Khanna Dentistry at LaSalle

Dr. Swati Khanna

Dentistry at LaSalle

Helping patients get the smile they love with consideration for their unique needs is our goal at Dentistry at LaSalle in Burlington (Aldershot), ON. We provide a full spectrum of dental services to take care of patients of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest, and even the most anxious. Preventative exams and dental cleanings, cosmetic and restorative care with dental implants, crowns and bridges, tooth-colored fillings, and all types of dentures are included among our repertoire of services.

Dr. Swati Khanna (selected for the Best Dentist Readers’ Choice Award multiple times) and Dr. Liliana Otrocol are among the team of skilled and experienced professionals providing friendly and compassionate care to the communities in and around Aldershot.

Office Information

(905) 481-9078
18 Plains Rd West, Unit #1
Burlington (Aldershot), ON L7T 0B3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM (Appointment required) One Saturday a month Closed

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