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What is a Dental Implant? Explained by Dr. Swati Khanna

Root Canal Therapy without pain by Dr. Swati Khanna
If you are looking for a natural way of getting a missing tooth replaced and do not want to worry about maintaining dentures, dental implants are for you. Watch this video as Dr. Swati Khanna explains how dental implants are designed and work.
What is a dental implant and how does it work?

If you are missing teeth, then the other teeth will take the load for those teeth. You would have an open space not only just for cosmetic purposes but also for your dental health.

If you are missing a tooth, then the other teeth take a lot more force. They do more work than if you had a full set of teeth when the forces are divided.

What replacement options are there for missing teeth?

If you are missing a tooth, there are various options. We normally discuss which option is right for you. Dental implants are usually the best option, and there are few reasons for that.
  • The dental implants do not rely on the other teeth
  • You are not reducing the other teeth
  • You are not getting support from them
So the adjacent teeth don't get compromised in the long run. With implants, wherever you have lost a tooth and that tooth is replaced while the other teeth stay where they are.

Can dental implants help stabilize dentures?

We use implants to support dentures. If the dentures are very loose and you're not able to eat what you want and to enjoy life, then dental implants are a great solution for dentures.

With implants, dentures have more retention, and they don't move as much, so you're able to enjoy life.

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(905) 481-9078
18 Plains Rd West, Unit #1
Burlington (Aldershot), ON L7T 0B3
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM - 7:00 PM 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM By appointment only One Saturday a month Closed

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